Thursday, November 29, 2007

"Autumn Route to Steamboat"

This scene grabbed my eye as my husband and I were driving to Steamboat last month. Reluctant to stop the car, I drove on past for about a mile...but the scene kept calling to me. So I turned around, drove back, jumped out of the car and plunged into the field to photograph it. This painting is the result, and it still has the same hold on me as when I first drove by the bridge.
9 x 12, Oil on Linen Panel SOLD

1 comment:

sparker said...

Barrett -
I love your paintings ... the color and composition, but also the subject matter. We have a house in Carbondale, CO, and make the drive from Denver to Aspen frequently. Colorado is just MADE for people with the painter's eye and talent that you have. Thanks for lettine me know about your blog.