Friday, November 21, 2008

Il Chiostro Muse

This painting has a special significance for me. I painted it while in Italy with my Tumbleweed Painters Group this past September. The weather had been overcast and lent a mystical quality to the surrounding mountains and out over beautiful Lake Garda, so I wandered around the Cloister area where we were staying, looking for a scene that would let me convey what I was feeling. Behind the Cloister, tucked off to the side of an ancient olive grove, was this scene. I immediately knew I had to paint it. What I didn't expect was how, from the moment I began the painting, I felt my mother and her mother present, right there with me. My Grandmother was a wonderful, emotive artist, and my Mother still is. The voice of each of them whispered in my ears as I painted, and the resulting work, I feel, conveys the sense of tranquility I found there.
Oil on Linen Panel, 9 x 12 SOLD

1 comment:

Connie Chadwell said...

This is gorgeous! It's so serene, yet the variety and energy of your brushstrokes give such a vitality to the painting. I love it!